Winar Connection has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic effecting the globe, and analyzing the ways in which it may impact our operations and our supply chain. At this point, all our major suppliers are operating as normal and our Richfield, Ohio manufacturing facility is operating on a normal schedule. As of now, we do not anticipate any disruptions to our product delivery.
Pursuant to the Department of Homeland Security memorandum dated March 19, 2020, Winar is exempt from isolation or quarantine orders as its business is considered to be part of the Essential Critical Infrastructure. With regard to the Stay at Home Order issued by the Ohio Department of Health on March 22, 2020, Winar Connection is designated as an essential business permitted to continue business operations. Also, as a key supplier to other essential businesses, Winar is permitted to maintain operations.
To protect the health and safety of our employees and customers, Winar has and will continue to adjust our procedures pursuant to the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control. Our staff has been working hard to maintain a clean, safe and sanitary environment according to the guidelines for cleanliness set in place by the CDC. Our production team and office staff are increasing the frequency of hand washing and use of hand sanitizer. We have implemented new production procedures which enable our workers to maintain a safe social distance. In addition, we have eliminated unnecessary travel and are allowing our staff to work from home where possible.
We are asking our customers to advise us of your business plans moving forward. If you choose to close, please list the date you plan to reopen and provide us with weekly updates. If you are deemed a nonessential business, Winar Connection will cease working on your product until 3 days prior to your reopening. This will allow us to focus on products for essential businesses (as set forth in the Department of Homeland Security memorandum dated March 19, 2020).
The situation we all face is unprecedented and rapidly evolving. Therefore, our operations and procedures may be subject to changes as a result of additional restrictions mandated by national, state and local governmental agencies. We thank you for your understanding and support. We will continue to update you as the situation changes.
Custom cable assembly and wire harness manufacturer, inventory vendor distributor, and a valuable extension of your team.
We are a UL Certified Facility